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Alleged for Being Ignorant, Lydia Ko’s Parents’ Reality Was Once Revealed by the LPGA Star Herself

Behind the serene smile and effortless swings of the LPGA Hall of Famer, Lydia Ko embodies an often misunderstood family dynamic. Despite being hailed as golf’s golden child, Ko has faced criticism and scrutiny surrounding her parents’ involvement in her career. But what really goes on behind the scenes? However, in a rare glimpse into her personal life, Ko once opened up about the realities of her relationship with her parents, revealing a story of love and sacrifice.



In 2014, the 20-time LPGA Tour winner shed light on their intense involvement, revealing a complex family dynamic. She once shared that her parents prioritized her golf practice above all else, even exempting her from household chores.

“After school, I head immediately to the golf course… I don’t have to do chores. Washing dishes, cleaning, and cooking are not my responsibilities. I could do these things, but if you were me, would you take away six hours of golf practice each week in exchange for doing chores? As a family, we’ve decided the answer to that is a firm ‘no.’” said the 27-year-old, as reported by GolfDigest.



Notably, Ko’s parents, despite not being golfers themselves, played a pivotal role in nurturing her talent. Her father, in particular, took the reins, leveraging his experience as a tennis player to train his daughter. The 2024 Paris Olympics gold medalist recalled, “My first memory of actually hitting balls was on Jeju Island, a province of South Korea. My father took me to the range of a course there. People stopped to watch. They said, “You’re good. You’re very good.” I thought, Well then, I must be good.”



Ko’s father seized on the praise, recognizing his daughter’s potential. He began training her. To this day, he continues to push her to excel, crafting challenging practice scenarios that test her limits. This unwavering support has been a double-edged sword for Ko, given her success and criticism of parental influence, as revealed by her former coach.

Lydia Ko’s former coach speaks of her parents
Lydia Ko’s parents have been accused of being overly controlling, with her former coach David Leadbetter criticizing their suffocating influence. He noted, “Her parents have a lot to answer for—a case of unbelievable ignorance.” He painted a picture of a highly controlled environment where her parents dictated everything from her daily routine to her golf practice. “They tell her when to go to bed, what to eat, what to wear when to practice, and what to practice,” he revealed.

Leadbetter also pointed out that her parents’ expectations were sky-high, with winning every tournament being the benchmark. However, the former coach’s assessment came after the LPGA pro was facing difficult times getting up to the pinnacle where she belonged. But from his remarks, we can infer that Lydia Ko’s parents were deeply invested in her success, perhaps to the point of micromanaging her life.

Ko’s stance, however, on her parents’ involvement seems to contradict her coach’s concerns about overcontrol. The LPGA Hall of Fame found their guidance supportive rather than suffocating.

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