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Because I disagree with Novak Djokovic on vaccinations?” – Martina Navratilova responds to the Serb’s fans accusing her of hating him

Tennis legend Martina Navratilova has addressed allegations from some fans of Novak Djokovic, who accuse her of hating the Serbian star because of his stance on COVID-19 vaccinations. The 18-time Grand Slam champion clarified her position, emphasizing that her disagreements with Djokovic’s views on vaccinations do not equate to personal animosity.



Navratilova, known for her outspoken nature on various social and political issues, has been a vocal advocate for COVID-19 vaccinations. In contrast, Djokovic has expressed skepticism about vaccines and famously chose not to get vaccinated, which has led to controversy and debates within the tennis community and beyond.



Addressing the accusations, Navratilova stated, “I didn’t change my attitude towards Novak at all . I agree with him on most things, I disagree with him completely on one. Anything else you got? Claiming your bodily autonomy is fine. But you cannot impose that on a country, it just doesn’t work that way. It’s all good,” Navratilova tweeted.



Navratilova further elaborated on the importance of differentiating between professional respect and personal beliefs. “Novak is an exceptional athlete and has contributed immensely to the sport. My advocacy for vaccinations is rooted in public health and safety, and it’s a stance I believe in strongly. However, it doesn’t diminish the respect I have for Novak’s skills and dedication to tennis.”

The debate over Djokovic’s vaccination status reached a peak when he was deported from Australia ahead of the Australian Open in January 2022, due to his unvaccinated status, which sparked widespread discussion and division among fans and the broader public.



Navratilova’s comments come as a reminder that public figures can hold different views on important issues without it necessarily affecting their professional relationships or mutual respect. Her emphasis on separating personal beliefs from professional respect aims to quell the narrative of personal animosity that some fans have perpetuated.



Navratilova reiterated her admiration for Djokovic’s contributions to tennis while standing firm on her pro-vaccination stance. “We can and should debate ideas and opinions, but that should not translate into personal dislike. Respecting each other’s perspectives is key, especially in a diverse and global sport like tennis,” she said.

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