Breaking NewsGolf

Ben Hogan Foundation Swings into Action for Cleburne Chamber Golf Tournament

The Cleburne Chamber of Commerce’s 25th annual golf tournament fundraiser teed off with a special partnership this year. The Ben Hogan Foundation joined forces with the chamber, adding a unique twist to the event. This collaboration stemmed from a long-standing friendship between Chamber President and CEO Tracy Thomas and the Ben Hogan Foundation.



“The Cleburne Chamber of Commerce was thrilled with the community support for our 25th annual golf tournament presented by BATES etc. Travel at the Cleburne Golf Links,” said Thomas. “The course was bustling with golfers, and the atmosphere was fantastic! We were incredibly fortunate to have beautiful weather and a day filled with fun and camaraderie. This wouldn’t have been possible without the partnerships of our generous business sponsors, the city of Cleburne, and of course, the Ben Hogan Foundation.”



The Ben Hogan Foundation’s involvement undoubtedly bolstered the event’s prestige. The foundation, named after the legendary golfer Ben Hogan, is dedicated to promoting the game of golf and inspiring the next generation of golfers. Their participation likely attracted enthusiastic golfers and potentially even sponsors who share their passion for the sport.

Details regarding the specific nature of the Ben Hogan Foundation’s contribution to the fundraiser remain unreported. However, their presence certainly generated additional interest and support for the Cleburne Chamber of Commerce’s event.

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